Brahmarakshasa in Modern Hindi Literature


Anna Chelnokova1 & Liliia Streltcova2

Associate Professor, Department of Indian Philology, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St.Petersburg State University, Russia. Email: 

Assistant, Department of Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages and Cultures of Asian and African Countries, St.Petersburg State University, Russia. Email:

 Volume 8, Number 4, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n4.16

Received October 03, 2016; Revised December  25, 2016; Accepted December  25, 2016; Published January 14, 2017


The paper deals with the transformation of the image of Brahmar?kshasa from Vedic to modern times. Authors seek to study several literary tests in Sanskrit (Rig-Veda, Mah?bh?rata, Manusmriti, Pur??as, Pa?catantra etc.) and in modern Hindi (mostly by Gaj?nan M?dhav Muktibodh). Their main goal is to analyze the development of this important but to a great extend forgotten mythological image from the perspective of its most important achievements against their historical background and socio-cultural context. This paper is a modest but the very first attempt to perform such kind of study of the image of Brahmar?kshasa.

Keywords: Brahmar?kshasa, Gaj?nan M?dhav Muktibodh, Sanskrit, myth.

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