Rupkatha is indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection™ Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™ 2022: 0.2 | 5 year: 0.2
Journal Citation Indicator 2023: 0.40
Indexing and Abstracting
- BibCnrs
- Crossref
- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- Dimensions (Digital Science)
- J-Gate
- Index Islamicus (Brill)
- OpenAIRE
Journal Directories
- Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- ERIH PLUS (the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences)
- Fatcat Wiki
- JournalGuide
- Keepers Registry
- MIAR (Spain)
- MLA International Directory
- SUDOC Catalogue (France)
- Ulrichs Web Global Serials Directory
Content Registration & Membership
The journal’s publisher is a member of The Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. via Crossref and contents published in the journal are registered with Crossref and assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Long-term Preservation Plan for Published Contents
Our Exclusive Archive with Archive-It
Rupkatha Journal is a Partner of Archive-It and the contents of the journal are permanently archived by it with copies on different servers in the USA and Egypt (Bibliotheca Alexandrina) for averting server mishaps. As an ‘Internet library,’ the Internet Archive offers “permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to collections that exist in digital format.”