

The issue on Digital Humanities was planned in order to approach an interdisciplinary field that has emerged with the intervention of digital technology in appreciation and dissemination of literature and arts. Every new medium brings with itself new array of possibilities, which sometimes prove to be quite ‘revolutionary’ after its infancy is over. Digital Humanities or whatever it will be named in future, seems to be still in its infancy and we are not fully aware of the possibilities and potentialities. The world of information technology—though manipulated largely by the big corporate hands, is changing at an unprecedented rate and it is too early to say what direction it will take. But the impact on the individuals and the academic institutions has already been felt in a big way—so big that the questions of modernity and modernization are taken up seriously. The impact of ICT on literature and arts is greater because of the ways production, appreciation and dissemination of literature and arts undergoing massive changes. Added to this, is the new concern with the preservation and retrieval of ‘born-digital’ data. The articles in the collection try to explore the new horizons from various positions.