The Folk Mysticism of Rabindranath Tagore: ManerManus and JivanDevata


JoannaTuczy?ska, University of Gda?sk, Poland

The lyrical mysticism of Rabindranath Tagorein its musical dimensionwas outstandingly inspired by the B?ul devotional vocal tradition.Theprimeval aboriginal spirit permeated the unboundgenius of the poetwith the idea of M?n?r M?nuswhich he imaginatively transformedinto the deeply symbolic concept of J?van D?vat?. Thus, the indigenous musical folkloreof Bengal becomes the poetic medium of the reunion between man and the Creator as the way to the realization of J?van y?tr?. Music in its devine form of g?t? guides man on his path to the Lord through the Heart understood as the symbolic dwelling ofthe Ultimate Truth where the Cycle of Love is completed.

[Keywords: folk mysticism, M?n?rM?nus, J?vanD?vat?, B?uls]

The mysticism of Rabindranath Tagore blossomed on the soil of rich and complex religious influences, which became the fusion of his poetic interest. The spirit ofUpani?ad, the voice of theBr?hmas?majmovement, the light of the Bible, the ??f?esotericism and the B?ulfolk tradition of Medieval Indiacreate together the realm of Tagore’s artistic genius. However, the imaginative musical tone of his poetic expressionfinds its special inspiration in the vocal heritage of the devotional mysticsongs of the B?uls. It is their unsophisticated authenticity that touched Tagore’s spirit with its overwhelming force. The light and the magical charm of the aboriginal songs of Bengal reached the innermost depths of Rabindranath’s heart to blossom in his imagination into lyrical song offerings.Music filled the creative spirit of the poet, building a divine path to the Creator and shaping the universe of his creations, midst of whichG?t?ñjali, G?t?liand Gitim?lya arose with their outstanding artistic quality. Rabindranath’s devotional songs resounded in the mystic flute of K???a with the message of the Truth inherently rooted in the Infinite Divine Consciousness and ultimately realized within the human heart…Access Full Text of the Article