Communication as a Factor of Achieving a Holistic Being in the Age of Networked Media


Vladimir Gladyshev1, Alena Kouznetsova2, Regina Penner3

1,3South Ural State University, Russia

2American Center of Education, Moscow

                      Volume 8, Number 4, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n4.11

Received October 08, 2016; Revised December 09, 2016; Accepted December  15, 2016; Published January 14, 2017


The problem of communication has always been in the center of attention of philosophers. Today it became of current interest because the world is changing and becoming very complicated. Human’s position in the world is unstable and it is becoming difficult to survive in a total communication. Virtual communication “displaces” real “meeting” I and Thou. Media just complicate existing structures of communication. In this turbulent world the younger generation (Digital Natives) still needs mentors which are able to direct their intuition and energy in creative direction, to create a sphere of dialogue, to cultivate harmonious personalities. Communication is the substance of human existence, but in the discourse of the media features of communication complicated, they take the nature of rhizome, become chaotic. At the same time human can establish harmony with the outside world and him- (or her-) self. But he (or she) can’t overcome the effects of the media (the acceleration of information; the simplification of information; the likening of information; the “dissolution” of person) alone. Therefore, finding ways to harmonize communication in the era of networked media becomes the priority. That is why the main result of the study is identifying requirements of communication which can help human to find announced harmony.

 Keywords: communication, media, modernity, integrity, holistic being, communication requirements.

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