M.O. Auezov and Musical Art of Kazakhstan in the Coordinates of the Global World


Omarova A.1, Kaztuganova A.2, Sultanova A.3, Tatkenova S.4 & Kdyrniyazova Z.5

1Candidate of art History, Leader Research Fellow the Department “Musicology”, M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan. Email: omarova.aliaya@gmail.com

2Candidate of art History, Head of the Department “Musicology”, M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

3Master of arts, Junior researcher of the Department Musicology, M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan

4Musicology and Composition, Department of Musicology and Composition, Kazakh National conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Kazakhstan

5Master of arts, teacher of the Kazakh specialized musical boarding school for gifted children named after Akhmet Zhubanov

 Volume 12, Number 5, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n5.rioc1s24n5


The article discusses the patterns of national musical art in scientific, critical, and artistic interpretation of the classic of Kazakh literature M.O. Auezov (1897-1961). In this regard, the following aspects have been consistently presented and commented: 1. Fragments from his works on literary studies and publications in magazines and newspapers which focus on the traditions and genres of the musical and poetic heritage of the Kazakhs, significant names and events of opera and theater practice, assessments that reveal the principles of personal perception and interpretation; 2. “musical” pages of literary works of different periods and, above all, the famous novel-epopee, aitys as one of the traditional types of folk theater creativity and the object of recreation in the works of M.O. Auezov-the playwright; 3. multi-genre opuses of composers of Kazakhstan, created as a result of the impact of the plots and texts or dedicated to his memory. The principles of interdisciplinary researches are involved, which enabled the identification of a new level of understanding of the chosen topic, which can be productive in view of practical implementation, subsequent reflection and development in methodological aspect, and active transfer in the educational environment. The obtained and formulated results are significant in the context of the currently obvious interest in the historical past, rich traditions which are typical for the folklore and national professional sphere, figures that are generally significant for the culture of the nation.

Keywords: leitmotif, opera, libretto, composer, playwright, theater, premiere, score, text.