The Non-Acting Character Type in Natural School Literature


Tatyana Shvetsova
M.V. Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Russia, Severodvinsk. Email:

 Volume 10, Number 3, 2018 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v10n3.13

Received August 03, 2018; Revised October 02, 2018: Accepted October 27, 2018; Published November 02, 2018.


In literary criticism, the category Act is used to characterize the character’s position in the space of different genres, both artistic and border ones that arose at the intersection of a document and a literary text. The purpose of this research is to use the writings of F.M. Dostoevsky, A.N. Maykov, N.A. Nekrasov, included in the Petersburg Collection, to describe the historical and literary facts that allow us to bring into the light the phenomenon of a non-acting character type (in particular, the bureaucrat) as a system-forming event of the literary process of the XIX century. Philosophical hermeneutics and related literary hermeneutics are the major research methods, as well as the comparative-typological method and the comprehensive system analysis, based on the unity of the structural artistic phenomenon and the aesthetic self-organization. There were analyzed the characters and their actions in the context of works included in the uninvestigated collection of the XIX century. The character, who was brought to the forefront of Russian  literature of that period, is a bureaucrat, who commits no Act. The Crisis (loss) of an Act is a consequence of a changing world view. This research allows offering insights into the understanding of the environment, in which the nineteenth-century Russian  historical and literary process has been forming.

Keywords: nineteenth-century Russian  literature, Act Crisis, the Petersburg Collection, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.N. Maykov, N.A. Nekrasov