Queering the City: The Urban Chronicles of Pedro Lemebel


Neha Tyagi

Ph.D, Department of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of Delhi,

Email:  neyha.tyagi@gmail.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8518-4210

Volume 11, Number 2, July-September, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n2.10

First published September 30, 2019


In most of the societies around the world the underrepresentation of transgender and queer people in the spatial structures creates a setting for their subordination and exploitation. Moreover, this social discrimination is reflected in the queer spatial experiences, which are mostly restricted and prohibited, especially in the public spaces/sphere. Recognizing the marginalization and repression of the non-heteronormative queer identities, the paper would like to read on the works of Pedro Lemebel (1952-2015), one of the most prolific writer within the context of the Chilean dictatorship (1973-1990) and post-dictatorship period and understand how his chronicles departs from the oppressed social space of/for queer people to stress on the subversive political strategies and spatial practices or what I call it here as ‘queering’, through which city space(s) could be re-signified by these non-heteronormative sexual and gender identities as a site for their vindication and visibilization.

Keywords: Pedro Lemebel, loca, queering, city, heteronormativity