Poetics of the Symbolist “Text-myth” by Andrey Bely


Anna Igorevna Oshchepkova

North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, 58 Belinsky Street, Yakutsk, Russia, 677000. 

 Volume 11, Number 2, July-September, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n2.14

First published September 30, 2019


The article discusses the peculiar poetics of Andrey Bely’s symbolist “novel-myth”. The mythological-poetic structure of “The Silver Dove” as a symbolist “text-myth” implies a special type of narration oriented towards heterogeneous artistic language. Andrey Bely’s short novel is characterized by complex narrative architectonics based on stylization and orientation to the third party’s speech.

Keywords: symbolist “text-myth”, Andrey Bely, poetics, narration, stylization.