A Comparative Analysis of Crime Stories Published in leading English Newspapers of Delhi Edition


Eqbal Ahmad & Ramendra Nath Verma

(SCADMS) Sharda University Greater Noida, U.P. Email: ramendranath12@gmail.com

Volume 11, Number 3, October-December, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n3.11


With the boom in media industry in India, News has become a product to be consumed by the readers and viewers and, thus, sold in terms of attracting revenue by boosting circulation and rating than providing pure information to aware the mass and empower people. In most cases, news is determined on the basis of public craze, not requirement. This fact of Indian journalism has led to over emphasis on Sensational, Political and Crime Reporting. Today, Crime reports have taken a major place in Newspapers. Because of the immense popularity of crime as a topic of news, there has been no shortage of research on how crime is covered by the media. The present study examines crime news coverage in the leading English Newspapers. The national dailies have been examined against the backcloth of Indian culture and social settings. Comparative analysis was followed to study the objectives and hypothesis. Some prominent facts came into light through this research like Hindustan Times had covered more number of stories by giving maximum coverage to the crime news than the other national dailies while in The Times of India, maximum stories related to terrorism were published. Overall the study tried to analyze the crime reporting in English newspapers through comparative analysis.

Keywords: Media, Newspaper, Crime news, national dailies