An Investigation into the Teaching Competency of English Teachers of Tripura Board of Secondary Education


Debabrata Bhattacharjee1 & Remith George Carri2

1Post Graduate Teacher, Govt. of Tripura. Email:

2Assistant Professor, A.M. School of Educational Sciences, Department of Education, Assam University, Silchar

 Volume 12, Number 1, January-March, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n1.03


The paper intends to identify teaching competency of English teachers at secondary level of Tripura Board of Secondary Education (T.B.S.E.). Descriptive method is applied to collect data and stratified random sampling was applied during the 2016-2017 academic year. A standardized tool was administrated to measure teaching competency of English. The present paper intends to test the significant association of English teaching competency with selected variables. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to draw inference on the hypothesis. The major recommendations focused that: English teachers of T.B.S.E. should be given individual attention to each of the learners, English teachers of T.B.S.E.  should impart teaching properly without discriminating of gender bias, individual attention must be given to poor performing students in English subject, English teachers of T.B.S.E. must not use too much vernacular (mother tongue) languages in the class while teaching a foreign or second language, English teachers of T.B.S.E. should be more punctual, serious while teaching, The teachers of English belonging from T.B.S.E. should be very conscious at preparation, presentation, closing, evaluation and managerial part of the teaching, and should take care of  individual attention to each of the learners. The paper grounded the proposition that English teaching competency can be achieved when the three phases of teaching (pre-active phase, inter-active phase and post-active phase) will have their proper coordination in terms of context-specific application.

Key words: English teaching competency, Secondary level, Stratified sampling, ETCOS.