Genre of Folk Narratives as Rich Linguistic Resource in Acquiring English Language Competence for Young Learners


Prachishri Mishra & SwayamPrabha Satpathy

Dept. of Humanities. ITER,Siksha O Anusandhan University. Email:

 Volume 12, Number 1, January-March, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n1.08


Folk narrative (tales) is the reflection of culture for a particular group of people, it’s an amalgamation of the traditions common to a particular culture, subculture or group. These include tradition of narrating tales and proverbs. Ever since story telling has been a very alluring feature to understand a culture as well as helps in language learning. The frequent repetitions make them excellent for reinforcing new vocabulary and grammar. The natural rhythm that  is associated with the tales is useful to work on stress, rhythm, and intonation in pronunciation. It is difficult for a learner to learn a language which is not his mother tongue. The cultural elements of folktales help to bridge common ground between cultures and bring out cultural differences. It   develops cultural awareness that is essential if we are to learn to think in another language and understand the people who speak it. In this paper, it is analysed   that can these folktales be used as a language learning tool? First of all, however, we would like to consider the definition of folktales and explain the hidden subtypes behind the term. Apart from looking at folk tales in general, this paper would take a look at their function it also discusses the reasons for using these in school. The main purpose of this study is to examine the role of folk narratives in teaching English to young learners as second language.

Key words:  Language, Teaching, Learning, Folktales, Narrative, Culture.