The Creative Art of “Arabian Nights” Construal


Kira Andreeva

Tyumen State University, Russia. Email:            

 Volume 12, Number 1, January-March, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n1.11


The present article aims at studying literary architecture of stories of “Arabian Nights” which for centuries have continued to excite scientific interest of scholars in the spheres of Humanities and Arts. The enormous spiritual-aesthetic wealth of Art, in general, inspiring people, was created not only in different art media forms: painting, music, opera, ballet but in creative literary art, as well. The collection of tales of “One Thousand and One Nights” presented one of the best examples of such phenomena. The present empirical research was based on contemporary interdisciplinary approaches to cultural studies, literature and linguistics. The initial pilot study of the studied text-construal singled out the prevalence of stable narrative structures of fairy-tales’ architecture.  However, the presence of the substantial number of cases of norm violations determined the additional choice of new devices of analysis borrowed from one interdisciplinary branch of science: synergetics. The latter proved to have the power not only to explain violations but, in addition, to demonstrate them later graphically with the help of image-like fractals.

Keywords: creativity, literary art, text-architecture, narrative tools, interdisciplinary approach, synergetic fractals, mapping images