The Question of Female Embodiment and Sexual Agency in Anuradha Sharma Pujari’s Kanchan


Koyel Chanda

Research scholar, Dept. of English, Pondicherry University. ORCID: 0000-0002-9375-2572. Email:

 Volume 12, Number 1, January-March, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n1.25


The association of women with body has generated a host of negative connotations that have been used to justify their limited political and social role. So, questions regarding the female body and sexual agency are of utmost importance in feminist theories. Anuradha Sharma Pujari, an Assamese author has explored the complex question of female sexual agency in her novel Kanchan. The novel narrates the upheavals caused in the life of its economically and educationally disadvantaged eponymous character when she decides to use her body to make a living for herself and her family. The focus of the paper will be to understand the concept of women embodiment and the complexities surrounding female sexual agency with the help of embodiment theories most notably those forwarded by Meenakshi Thapan.

Keywords: women, embodiment, sexual agency, body, feminism