Magical Realism: The Magic of Realism


Ayyub Rajabi1, Majid Azizi2, Mehrdad Akbari3

1Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature. Arak Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran. Email:

2, 3Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Arak

 Volume 12, Number 2, April-June, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n2.18


In Magical Realism the elements of reality and imagination are so elaborately interwoven that the reader simply accepts them, in such a way that all artificial and imaginary incidents in the storyline seems completely real and natural. Considering the concept of Realism, it can be realized that literature aims to surrender itself to the real world and, by the means of imagination and imagery, balances the truth. Furthermore, realism admits that it owes a repayment to the real world, the world that it indisputably surrenders itself to. The results of this study indicated that, this art and the magic of Realism and reality have transformed Magical Realism into the most appealing and real type of Realism in such a way that, despite its magical and marvelous appearance, it is mostly acceptable and believable for the reader. Additionally, this kind of literary genre is more consistent with the principles of the school of Realism than any other, and it presents the mission of the Real author and his/her commitment to the community well and beyond reality.

Keywords: Imagination; Realism; Magical Realism; Knowledge; Reality.