Ideational Meaning of Butonese Foklore: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Study


Gusnawaty Gusnawaty,1 Yuli Yastiana2 & Abdul Hakim Yassi3

1Local Languages Department of Cultural Sciences Studies, Hasanuddin University

Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Tamalanrea. Email:

2English Education Study Program of Dayanu, Ikhsanuddin University, Bau-Bau City, Southeast Celebes. Email:

3English Language Department of Cultural Sciences Studies, Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Tamalanrea. Email:

 Volume 9, Number 1, 2017 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v9n1.33

Received January 10, 2017; Revised April 25, 2017; Accepted April 28, 2017; Published May 7, 2017.


Many studies applied the transitivity on the speech, but a little is known that transitivity could be applied on the folklore, as well. As a descriptive analysis, this paper aims at describing the type of processes, participants, and circumstances; context of the situation; a way of thinking; and ideology in Butonese folklore. The findings revealed firstly that  a material process dominated the data while the frequency was 51,02%. This finding indicates that the Butonese life was oriented with the action which represented the horizontal dimension. The existential process as a process with the lowest percentage,5,31%, indicates the Butonese’s understanding about themselves and their existence as a creature of God. Domination of actor that was 31.62%, is interpreted as Butonese’s character as working people. The Butonese’s principle was to give more than to take. This is proved by the use of recipient element that took  the lowest place which was only 1,89%. The domination of place, circumstance, and element which was 29,83% shows harmony in the life of the Butonese with the nature. While the use of angle, viewpoint, circumstance, and element which was only 0.42%,  indicates the Butonese’s belief toward magical objects or the prophecy in the view of a necromancer. Secondly, situational context covering Butonese folklore describes their belief in reincarnation. Those thoughts indicate that the Butonese have three kinds of point of view: cosmos, communal, and religious. The Butonese’s ideology was oriented with social ideology which taught people to help each other; in Butonese culture this theological ideology which was related to the spirituality of he Butonese in pre-Islamic period it was named pohamba-hamba.

 Keywords: ideational meaning; transitivity; way of thinking; ideology; Butonese folklore

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