“Eugene Onegin” in the English-speaking Linguacultural Space


N. M. Nesterova & Y. K. Popova

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russia. Email: zemfiera_9@mail.ru

    Volume 9, Number 4, 2017 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v9n4.09

Received October 31, 2017; Revised November 25, 2017; Accepted November 30, 2017; Published December 09, 2017.


The article is devoted to the study of the way in which A.S. Pushkin’s verse novel “Eugene Onegin” is presented in the modern English-speaking linguacultural space. The most famous English-language verse translations by C. Johnston, J. Falen, D. Hofstadter and S. Mitchell, V. Nabokov’s prose-rhythmized translation and R. Clarke’s prose translation, have been chosen as research materials. In addition to literary (interlingual) translations, the British-American adaptation of the film “Eugene Onegin” directed by Martha Fiennes and the translation of this film into the Russian language became the material for the analysis. The analysis of this film allowed identifying the specifics of three types of translation of Pushkin’s text – intralinguistic, interlingual and inter-semiotic ones. As a result of the conducted study, the authors have come to the conclusion that nowadays the place of the Russian poet and his main work in the English-speaking linguacultural space is becoming more and more noticeable and significant, while the novel “Eugene Onegin” acquires a status of a “powerful text”, which forms the intertextual space around itself.

Keywords: translation, translatability (untranslatability), inter-semiotic translation, domestication, foreignization, stylization.