Types of Information Portraits in a Journalistic Discourse


L.R. Duskaeva1 & Yu.M. Konyaeva2

1Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Speech Communication, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. ORCID id 0000-0002-9142-1980

2Candidate of Philology, senior lecturer of the Department of Speech Communication, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Email: lrd2005@yandex.ru

Volume 9, Number 4, 2017 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v9n4.13

Received July 17, 2017; Revised November 24, 2017; Accepted November 30, 2017; Published December 09, 2017.


The article is intended to substantiate the allocation of genre semantic-stylistic categories and to show sequentialization of the use of language means in a speech genre as a text-type. Genre category is understood as a hierarchical relationship of a composite-text technique and multi-level linguistic resources that transmit specific of the genre model meanings – communicativeness, reference, and illocution. The categories, which means form a speech genre, are the following: dialogism, illocutionary, and referentiality, which are, on the one hand, in the hierarchical relations and, on the other hand, in the relations of interaction and intersection. The means of expression of dialogism, reference and illocution can be represented in a functional-semantic field, including the micro fields, as these meanings variably appear in speech genres. We illustrate the categorical-linguistic analysis on the example of two information portrait speech genres, differing in illocutive directionalities of the message: presentation of a previously unknown person to the audience or a reminder of the well-known personality.

Keywords: myth, binary opposition, structuralism, dyadic structure, chaos, space, good, evil, antithesis, Anima, Animus, oxymoron, antonym, protagonist, antagonist, historical consciousness, artistic knowledge, poetics.

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