The Effects of Social Media Networking on the Academic Performances of Students


Somantri Manap1, Sumarsih2, Asti P. Kartiwi3, Lilis Karwati4

1Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Training and Teacher Education, Universitas Bengkulu. ORCID: 0000-0002-5636-2137. Email: Corresponding author

2Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Training and Teacher Education, Universitas Bengkulu. ORCID: 0000-0002-1709-1987. Email:

3Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Training and Teacher Education, Universitas Bengkulu. ORCID: 0000-0001-8927-8153. Email:

4Program of Community Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Siliwangi. ORCID: 0000-0001-6304-3137. Email:

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022.
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


While there are more subtle functional contrasts between current cell phones and exemplary PCs, one distinction is still there: cells are almost consistently with you and allow you to interface with different administrations and organizations at practically anytime and any place. Present-day young people, who are oftentimes alluded to be “advanced locals” or “Homo Zappiens” because of their ability to all the while interacting with different enlightening channels, are being depicted as evolving. All in all, advanced youngsters are multitaskers. Undergraduates and postgraduates are supposedly the quickest adopters of wireless innovation, as per the reports taken in Indonesian Colleges and Universities. Moreover, new information recommends that incessant utilization of mobile phones might adversely affect youngsters’ well-being and conduct. In this way, utilizing an enormous example of undergraduate and postgraduate students in Indonesia (N = 298) and messaging (N = 298), we investigated the impacts of mobile phone use overall (N = 298) and messaging (N = 298). It was anticipated that nervousness and Scholastic Execution (GPA) would go about as go-between in the relationship. Two distinct way models showed that the messaging and mobile phone use models fit the information well in general. Thusly, GPA was well associated with SWL while tension was antagonistically connected with SWL. PDA use and messaging were adversely connected with GPA and emphatically connected with uneasiness. These outcomes add to the conversation around the utilization of phones by undergraduates and postgraduates and how this utilization might adversely affect learning, emotional wellness, and abstract prosperity or joy.

Keywords: Mobile phone, Facebook, Academic performances, GPA, Anxiety