Echo Construction and Ad hoc Categories: Semantics of Group Reference in Magahi


Chandan Kumar
Assistant Professor, Christ University, India. ORCID: 0000-0003-0427-9179. Email:

[Received February 03 2023, modified 24 May 2023, accepted 25 July 2023, first published 27 July 2023]

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2023.
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Recent studies in the domain of heterogeneous plural indicate homogeneous and heterogeneous categories as two separate functional mechanisms. Given the strategic usage of language, the paper locates the pluralizing strategies in speech context and investigates their interpretive nature from the perspective of (non)/restrictive parametric features of categories like associative (APL), similative (SPL) and definite plural in Magahi (ISO639-2 mag), an Indo-Aryan language. Focusing on variables within members of the ad hoc set over the speech act variables like context, intersubjectivity, and culture, the paper endeavours to perceive pluralizing as a strategic approach that extends beyond the realm of mere a number reference. It closely observes the phenomenon of homogeneous and heterogeneous plurality and makes the following claims: (a) echo construction functions as heterogeneous plural in Magahi, (b) the heterogeneous plural falls within the parametric feature of nominal plurality, (c) there is heterogeneity in the homogeneous sets, thus, pluralizing is beyond plural, (d) SPL and APL are two categories because of their interpretational differences and not because of operational, and (e) APLs can have describable references.

Keywords: Ad hoc category, Pluralizing strategy, Echo-word, Associative, Similative, Indo-Aryan, Magahi