Modern Advertising Practice: Gender Images and Stereotypes Generation


Anel Kanatovna Naisbayeva1 Aliya Rmgazinovna Massalimova2 Azhar Kuanyshbekovna Zholdubayeva3

1PhD student, Cultural Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan. Email:

2Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Universit,

3Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

 Volume 10, Number 2, 2018 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v10n2.12

Received December 23, 2017; Revised March 10, 2018; Accepted March 20, 2018; Published May 07, 2018.


Since nowadays mass media are not only an important institutional setting, but also an information transfer and gaining channel, they have a substantial effect on generation and fixation of gender stereotypes in public consciousness. It is for this reason that mass media are considered as one of the leverages effecting broad public consciousness. Therefore, gender images and stereotypes, which prevail in advertising texts and subjects, become permanent in consciousness of common persons. The relevance of this article is stipulated by the fact that the results of the studies extend scientific perceptions of gender stereotype phenomena, which may promote enhanced study of positive and negative gender stereotypes existing in national advertising. In this article, the main trends in the development of gender stereotypes in modern advertising practice, as well as public stereotype mentality, widespread public stereotypes along with male and female images fixed in public consciousness of people in the former Soviet republics (evidenced from Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine), are discussed. With a view to studying gender images and stereotypes’ generation in modern advertising practice, we have carried out a sampling analysis of print (magazine) advertising published in magazines of different countries in the Russian language.

Keywords: advertising, advertising area, gender stereotypes, gender images, gender roles, gender markedness.