Morphological Classification of Dysphemisms in Artistic Discourse


Olga N. Prokhorova, Olga V. Dekhnich, Elena S. Danilova, Vladislav A. Kuchmistyy, Ekaterina F. Bekh

Belgorod State University, Russia

 Volume 11, Number 2, July-September, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n2.16

First published September 30, 2019


Due to the wide-spread use of dysphemisms in contemporary speech, the topic of dysphemia has become extremely important. At the same time, research on this issue is clearly not sufficient to cover this phenomenon in full. This study pursued the following goal: to analyze the morphological features of dysphemisms within the framework of artistic discourse. The concept of dysphemism was described, and a classification of dysphemisms in contemporary linguistics was provided. Dysphemisms represented by different parts of speech were analyzed, enabling conclusions to be drawn about the features and frequency of dysphemism use. All results were illustrated with examples from artistic discourse. The research findings are summarized in the conclusion.

Keywords: artistic discourse, dysphemism, dysphemia, euphemism, classification