Consent, Choice and Stage: the Ambiguous Presence of Women in the KPAC



PhD Scholar, CWS, JNU, New Delhi- 110067. ORCID: 0000-0001-6048-7859.


Volume 11, Number 3, October-December, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n3.04


Women had already started marking artistic endeavors and hence situating their identity in their respective fields by the early twentieth century. The left political movements and the socio-cultural movements, which were the by-product of and the supporting source for the political movements, also ‘included’ women as their members. Plays and theatre were one of the important fields in this respect in Kerala. Women were given ‘consent’ to make their ‘choices’ to make public appearances and be associated with these movements. But who were the consent givers to these women? This paper would look at the concept of men’s consent and women’s choices through the KPAC theatre and the plays. This paper would problematize the question of the importance of men’s consent in women’s decision making and the choices that they make for themselves. This paper would try to see what role and how this act of men’s consenting has influenced the female members of the KPAC as well as in the shaping of the characters in the plays produced by them.

Keywords: Women, Consent, Men’s Consent, Choice