Sustaining the Environment: the Wisdom of Banyumas Women in Ahmad Tohari’s Novels


Septi Yulisatiani1, Sarwiji Suwandi2, Suyitno3, Slamet Subiyantoro4

1,2,3,4Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Email:

1,2,3,4Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Volume 12, Number 1, January-March, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n1.19


This article discusses the wisdom of Banyumas women in preserving the environment, as represented in the novels of Ahmad Tohari. In this study, ‘Banyumas women’ is the term used for women who live in the Banyumas area, central Java, Indonesia and who perform activities which preserve their environment. Research into literary works such as Ahmad Tohari’s novels is important because its results can be used as guidelines for readers in choosing quality literature. This research was conducted employing an ecofeminism approach to literary texts. The research method used is qualitative content analysis and the data is drawn from six novels by Ahmad Tohari. The results of the study show that novels by Ahmad Tohari depict women who engage in activities which manage the environment wisely. These activities include wisely conducted activities in processing natural resources into food and herbal medicines, using environmentally friendly equipment in daily living, preserving domesticated animals and their habitats, and in utilizing nature as a medium and a place to play for their children. These environment-preserving activities represented in Ahmad Tohari’s novels can be used as a guide for people around the world for preserving their own environments.

Keywords: Women’s activities, wisdom, environment, novel, Indonesia