Teaching and Researching Reading in Indian Context


Megala M1 & Anil Premraj J2

1Research Scholar,  2Assistant Professor, Department of English, School of Social Science and Languages,Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. Email: megalamanisharaj@gmail.com

 Volume 12, Number 2, April-June, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n2.17


The importance placed on reading skill emerges from the necessity of performing well that starts from primary stage of learning to the workplace scenario. One of the first things children are pressurized to do at early schooling is ‘Learn to Read’ and of course that remarks their progressive transformation to become an expert in reading. Using descriptive method of research, the study traces the importance and efforts taken by second language teachers and students towards the development of reading skills from primary class to university education in Indian context. It also addresses the existing lag in English language education, necessity of infusing the requirement of specially designed curriculum, and to fulfil the need of learners especially who felt difficulty in reading. The study suggested skill-based instruction in detail at each level as a remedy for rectifying deficits in reading.

Keywords: ESL, Subskills instruction, Reading skill, NCERT.