Understanding colonial masculinity and native bodies: Rereading the discourse of homoeopathy as a feminist form of medicine


Anjana Menon

PhD Research Scholar, E-mail: anjanaabhinavmenon@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0423-8959

 Volume 12, Number 5, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n5.rioc1s8n2


A body can also be read as a site for the production and maintenance of social power. In colonial India, western biomedicine often acted to reinforce the reason/nature split and made manifestations in dualistic divisions between mind/body, and men/women. With the advent of the ‘masculine’ western biomedicine, the indigenous population lost the authority and autonomy over their self-knowledge and social power of their bodies. Thus, Homoeopathy found a space in the spiritual discourse of Indian nationalism as a ‘feminine’ element. This paper is an attempt to analyse how the rhetoric on homoeopathy was effectively employed to redress the grievances of masculinity in health care unleashed by the British state. The study lays stress on power imbalance within the practitioner/patient relationship, the exclusion of social concerns from the biomedical model, and the trivialisation of knowledge within the clinical encounters.

Keywords: Colonial power, masculine body, medical encounters.