Art and Science in Franz Marc’s Animal Iconography


Eleni Gemtou

Professor, Dept. of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Panepistemioupolis 157 71, Athens, Greece. Email:

  Volume 8, Number 3, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n3.02

Received May 24, 2016; Revised July 10, 2016; Accepted July 15, 2016; Published August 18, 2016


There has been a theory claiming that innovative artists have always created the appropriate atmosphere for forthcoming scientists to develop important hypotheses about the world. In this paper, the animal iconography of Franz Marc is discussed under the perspective of the achievements of modern ethology and its modified anthropomorphic approaches to animals that seem to have much in common with the empathetic attitudes of Marc, as shown both in his written texts and artworks. The basic argument presented is, however, that despite the interactions between art and science during history, it is of great importance to understand them as discrete rational fields with their own methods and expressive tools.

Keywords: Ethology, Franz Marc, Animal-Iconography, Art and Science

Acknowledgement: Franz Marc, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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