Alexandra Milostivaya
North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia
Volume 8, Number 1, 2016 I Full Text PDF
The aim of this article is to study precedent phenomena to be found in the works by M. Bulgakov, as taken in their translation into the English and the German languages. During that, the author focuses on the specifics of depicting the semiotic culture codes in the target text, which allow evaluating the adequacy related to communicating the meaning of the source text in its translated versions. It has been shown that many of the losses in the connotative information describing the precedent phenomena in M. Bulgakov’s works are of objective nature and are due to the asymmetry in the culture-bound realities both in the source and in the target languages. However, a particular translation solution is more than in the least determined by subjective factors, i.e. the translator’s ability to properly decode the pragmatics conveyed through precedent phenomena, which does not run contrary to the author’s intention.
Keywords: precedent phenomena; semiotic culture code; English and German translations of works by M. Bulgakov Keep Reading