
Paintings of Murali Sivaramakrishnan


Murali Sivaramakrishnan is a poet, painter and critic. He is Professor and Head Department of English at Pondicherry Central University.

Artworks Keep Reading

Poems and Paintings by Rob Harle



the potential,
for creating digital autonomy;
an insistence,
directed by a Gabriel clone
about the inequity of reality;
and then sadly,
transmitted orally to one person (a life);
this dying is about a postmodern body
a lonely body, alone;
the situation becomes more impersonal
and still yet?
Transhuman potential, Keep Reading

Five Poems of Peter Nicholson


                               A Life

No intermediary in the passing night

Brought better news than what the heart revealed,

Sending from its furthest reaches news

Of bitter blood, infatuated calm

Or a tempest of delighted skin.

Thus at midnight, with the world beyond

Your fragmentary reach at goodnesses,

Silence then was best—you were just a guest

Of something larger than this sorrowing.

No use to reason why the crest of time

Has danced on you, then left a trampled rind.

You lived and knew the best, then left your life behind. Keep Reading

Selected Poems of Partha Mukhopadhyay


Three Verses on Our History

Verse 1 – Early Hominids

The third ape-shadow emerged, baby-curious,

From the primitive Mormon-mist.

A lucent moon watched

As ape-gene glowed, mutating with every touch.

Left alone at daybreak

Soul-light dazzled the primate mind

And the first divine thought of the universe

Contaminated all pure beasts

In one massive cloudburst


“I love”. Keep Reading