
Rupkatha Translation Project (RTP 2024)


Rupkatha Translation Project (RTP 2024)

In collaboration with
Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Université d’Artois, France
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Odisha, India
Belarusian State Economic University

[Download the Brochure in PDF]

About the Project


Rupkatha is launching Project Translation, a collaborative global initiative to address several issues in the field of translation and contribute to the growing body of literature in translation. In our time, translation has gained importance because of instant access to the vast bodies of literature in various languages. Contrary to the fears expressed once, the internet has not promoted a single language, rather initiatives were taken globally to make other languages available on the digital media. Post Web 2.0 phase, vast bodies of content have been generated in different languages. This period has also proved that spontaneous expressions are best expressed in one’s mother tongue. At the same time, there exist numerous cultural texts in other languages and they demand translation in other languages because of their cultural significance.

Translation promotes intercultural communication and contributes to understanding other cultures subtly and comprehensively. More than anything else, there is an urgent to preserve and promote regional indigenous knowledge systems that came into being after a long cultural interaction with environmental factors. Sometimes, the principle of aesthetics is derived from the complex intermixing of cultural and environmental factors. The Project seeks to explore the possibility of finding aesthetic values, appropriate for our times, embedded in some distant literary pieces.

Aims and objectives

  • Preservation of languages, culture, and indigenous knowledge system
  • Promotion of mother tongues
  • Bridging the cultures, equity, and equilibrium
  • Promoting the aesthetic values


Any cultural text with significant literary value.


  • Oral cultural and/or literary texts
  • Written cultural and/or literary texts

Project Types and Publication

3-Month Projects To be published in a single issue

6-Month Projects To be published serially in two/three issues

9-Month Projects To be published serially in three/four issues issues

Translation Methodology
Translators can opt for a single-translator project or a group-translator project.

  1. Types of Contents: Any form of literature—written or oral.
  2. Languages: We accept translations from any language into English
  3. Word limit for a single publication: Around 5000-7000 words per issue of the journal

Copyrights Terms

  • Trans of copyrighted and non-copyrighted works are allowed.
  • For copyrighted works, the translators need to secure permission themselves. Rupkatha will not
    be involved in the process.
  • The copyright of the translated works will rest exclusively with the publisher of the Rupkatha Journal.

Payment Conditions

  • The Rupkatha Journal will bear all the costs of publication. Translators will not have to pay
  • Translators will not be paid anything for publication in the Rupkatha Journal. However, if in any
    way, any revenue is generated from the works, 20% of the royalty will go to the translator and
    another 20% will go to the original author/s.

Peer Review

All the submissions will be subject to editorial review and peer review.

Plagiarism Check

All the translations must be the translator’s endeavour. Translations done through Google
Translate, AI and other tools will not be considered for publication.

DOI Assignment

All the published translations will be assigned DOI for the sake of record and referencing.

Submission Process

Stage 1: Initial Sample Submission

Translators need to submit initial sample submissions. Based on this, the projects will be approved.
The initial submission should include the following:

  • A Cover Letter that briefly informs the project. Download the format here>>
  • A translator may submit samples of more than one translation but not more than three.
  • A sample translation of 400-500 words along with the original text in PDF.
  • Copyright permission from the original author. If the permission is not available at this stage, it
    may be submitted during Stage 2.

Submit your proposals to submission@rupkatha.com.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024.

Stage 2: Project Approval

The Board will consider and approve the projects. The translators will have to complete the projects
and submit their work in due time.

Stage 3: Publication

After the completion of translation, all works will go through a peer review process. The final works
will be published in the Rupkatha Journal.

Stage 4: Certification

Translators will get certificates for the completion of the projects issued jointly by the collaborating
universities and the journal.

Stage 5: Post-publication

We will consider publishing print versions of the translated works in collaboration with other
publishing agencies.


The Board

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