About the Contributors (Vol 1, No 2)


Amit Shankar Saha is a PhD researcher in English Literature at Calcutta University. He has previously published at Muse India, Humanicus, Cerebration, Families and various other journals.
E-mail: saha.amitshankar@gmail.com

 Anita Singh is Professor, Department of English, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. She received her doctorate in English on the doomed heroes in Arthur Miller’s plays from Banaras Hindu University in 1988. Vastly experienced as a teacher with 23 years of experience her areas of interests are American drama, Indian English fiction, Indian feminist theatre and feminist theories. She is widely published both as a critical and creative writer with a number of articles, translations, book reviews, and short stories in various journals, anthologies, and magazines. Her published works include: Arthur Miller: A Study of the Doomed Heroes in his Plays (1993), Indian English Novel in the Nineties and After: A Study of the Text and its Context (2004), And the Story Begins: My Ten Short Stories, (2007). She has actively participated and presented papers in many national and international seminar and conferences. Prof. Singh’s short story ‘The Wait’ won the ‘Special Commendation Award’ in ‘Muse India Fiction Contest’ for the year 2008.
Email: anita_bhu@ymail.com, anitasinghh@gmail.com.

 Fakrul Alam is Professor of English at the University of Dhaka and also Honorary Adviser, Department of English, East West University. He did PhD on “Daniel Defoe and Colonial Propaganda”, University of British Columbia, Canada, in 1984, and M.A in English from Simon Fraser University, Canada, 1980 and M.A in English from  the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1975.  His current research and teaching interests include Tagore in Translation, South Asian Writing in English, English Writing on India, Melville and the American Literary Renaissance, American Literary History, Colonialism/Postcolonialism. He was a Fulbright Scholar and a Visiting Associate Professor at Clemson University, USA, and Visiting Professor at Jadavpur University, India. Prof. Alam was Director of the Advanced Studies in Humanities of the University and Adviser, Dhaka University Central Library. He is currently a member of the Education Policy Implementation Committee constituted recently by the Government of Bangladesh to formulate a new education policy for the country. He is the author of the books: Imperial Entanglements and Literature in English, South Asian Writers in English, Jibananda Das: Selected Poems, Bharati Mukherjee, and Daniel Defoe: Colonial Propagandist. He has been editor of Dhaka University Studies and the Asiatic Society Journal. He was in the jury of the Eurasia region of the Commonwealth Writers Prize for 2003.  He is currently co-editing The New Tagore Reader (with Radha Chakravarty) for Visva-Bharati and working on his translations of Tagore’s verse.
E-mail:  falam123@bangla.net, falam1951@yahoo.com

 Indranil Acharya is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English, Vidyasagar University. He obtained his Ph.D. on the poetry of W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot in 2004. He completed one UGC Research Project on Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Fiction in 2008. Prof. Acharya is at present the Deputy Coordinator of DRS-SAP project in the Department of English on the recuperation, documentation and translation of Oral and Folk literary materials of the South Bengal districts. He has widely published in diverse areas like Modern British Poetry, Translation Studies, Indian English Literature and Subaltern Literature. He is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of the department of English, Vidyasagar University.
E-mail: Indra_acharya33@yahoo.co.in

 Jaydeep Rishi is presently Assistant Professor in the Department of English, at Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata, affiliated to West Bengal State University. Formerly, he served as the Head of the department of English at Sudhiranjan Lahiri Mahavidyalaya, affiliated to University of Kalyani. He completed his MA from University of Burdwan in 1997. He was awarded PhD in English Literature from the same university in 2006. He is a recipient of University Gold Medal, Sadananda Chakraborty Gold Medal and Junior Research Fellowship. His area of interest is Indian English Literature. He has published quite a few papers in reputed journals and has presented several papers in national and international conferences. He is also an amateur wild life photographer.
E-mail: drjrishi@gmail.com.

 Jonathan Highfield is Professor and Head of the Department of English at Rhode Island School of Design, USA. He did PhD on “Imagined Topographies of Liberation.” with a focus in 20th century multi-ethnic literatures, postcolonial literatures and the narratives of topography from the University of Iowa in 1995. He teaches a variety of courses on literature and culture in formerly colonized regions. He received Fulbright Award in 2001-2002 for his research on the effects of ecotourism on village economies in Ghana, where he taught at the University of Cape Coast. In 2009, he travelled to India to teach a short course titled “Narrative Flows: Waters of Faith, Identity, and Sustenance in Bengal”. He has been widely published in journals like The Jonestown Report, Kunapipi, The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, and Antipodes. He co-edited with Kwadwo Opoku-Agyemang and Dora Edu Buandoh The State of the Art(s): African Studies and American Studies in Comparative Perspective.
E-mail jhighfie@risd.edu.

 Sajalkumar Bhattacharya is Selection Grade Lecturer in Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur (an autonomous college with a Postgraduate Department in English), Kolkata, West Bengal, India.  As a guest faculty, he teaches the Postgraduate students in MUC Women’s College (University of Burdwan), Bardhaman, West Bengal. His areas of interest include 19th century British Fiction, Post-Independence Indian Fiction in English and Bhasa Literature. He did his M.Phil on Thomas Hardy’s Fiction. He is pursuing PhD in the University of Burdwan, and he has been awarded a fellowship by the UGC for the research. He has published quite a few articles in reputed journals. In April 2004, he presented a paper ‘The Inspired Guru, the Mesmerised Leader and the Problems in Perception on Teaching Literature in Indian Classrooms’ in the 19th Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature, at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, UK.
E-mail: sajalbh@gmail.com

 Somdev Banik is Assistant Professor in English in Govt. Degree College, Kamalpur, Tripura. His field of specialisation is Postcolonial Literature. He did PhD from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. He has published some papers and interviewed authors like Amitav Ghosh and participated in a few national and international seminars and conferences.
E-mail: somdevbanik12@yahoo.co.in

Soumitra Mandal is a young artist who loves  painting landscapes and drawing illustrations. He is studying English literature in the Vidyasagar University.  He has participated and won prizes in many cultural competitions.

Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Volume I, Number 2, Autumn 2009