Creative Nature of the Ideal in Culture


Viktor Ivanovich Polishchuk1, Zoya Yanovna Selitskaya2 & Grigory Viktorovich Silchenko3

 1Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Philology, Cultural Research and Methods of Teaching Them at Tyumen State University (branch in Ishim). Email: 2Associate Professor of the Chair of Philology and Cultural Studies of the Ishim State Teachers Training Institute. 3Tyumen State University.

 Volume 8, Number 3, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n3.09

Received April 11, 2016; Revised July 07, 2016; Accepted July 10, 2016; Published August 18, 2016


The article deals with the notion of the “ideal”, its correlation with the notions of “idea”, “appearance”, “form”, “image”, “seeing”. The article analyses the contribution to the study made by the Russian philosophers Vladimir Solovyev and Evald Ilyenkov. The authors of the article argue that although they define the ideal differently, both thinkers identify it with the purpose of societal development, culture and history. The article reveals the mutual linkage of such notions as the ideal, the idol and the visibility. The fundamental problem of the discussion lies in determining the source of the ideal. The article uses the rules of deductive and inductive logic, the required analytical procedures, as well as diachronic, comparative-historical, hermeneutic and phenomenological methods. The authors come to the following relevant conclusions: firstly, the ideal has a dual nature, which accounts for a tendency to identify it with the idol; secondly, childhood experience is the essential source of the ideal.

Keywords: culture, history, ideal, structure of ideal, idea, idol, appearance, visibility, creation, propensity for the past.