Echoes of Eternity
Bushra Juhi Jani (College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq) & ChatGPT

Amidst the bustling, crowded towns of the Middle East, there lived a woman named Sura Yousif in a place teeming with life and culture. She was a figure of quiet strength in her community, known for her wisdom and compassion. As the sun dipped below the horizon one cool autumn evening, Sura found herself contemplating the timeless questions that had intrigued humanity for generations.
Death, an inevitable part of the human journey, cast its shadow over her thoughts. She sat in her cozy room, filled with the rich scents of spices and the murmur of people outside, lost in deep reflection. In the streets below, the city’s vibrant energy flowed like a river, carrying with it the hopes and dreams of countless souls who had come before her.
Sura had always been a woman of deep faith, yet the mysteries that awaited beyond the veil of death intrigued her. How should one approach death? Was it to be met with serene acceptance, or should one fight it with all their might? The ancient clock on her wall marked the passage of time, reminding her of the fleeting nature of existence.
Her thoughts turned to the concept of legacy. What would remain of her when she departed from this world? She had never married, never borne children. Her life had been a tapestry woven with threads of kindness and knowledge shared with her fellow townsfolk. Would her name echo through the annals of history, or would it fade away like a forgotten melody?
As the night deepened, Sura’s contemplations extended to the very essence of existence itself. The enigma of birth, an event without consent, and the inevitability of death, an exit without consent, fascinated her. It was a timeless dance, an eternal rhythm that had played out through the ages.
The idea of choosing one’s departure, as if it were a mundane decision, sent shivers down her spine. The grim options she pondered – accidents, illness, the end of life – seemed both surreal and macabre. It was not an escape, but a confrontation with life’s fundamental essence. She couldn’t help but smile wryly at the spectres conjured by her own imagination.
In her musings, a paradox emerged. While the inevitability of death should logically propel one to seize each moment and shape their existence, reality often unfolded differently. People clung to their routines, to the familiar, even when the knowledge of their impending departure should have ignited a passionate pursuit of life’s richness.
As the night wore on, Sura’s room remained illuminated by the gentle glow of a single lamp. The questions she grappled with remained unanswered, but her heart felt strangely lighter. It was as if confronting the darkness had revealed something profound within her. The concept of death, once a foreboding abyss, had transformed into a mysterious doorway – still unknown, yet not inherently frightening.
Sura rose from her seat and walked to the window, where she gazed at the stars that adorned the night sky. Each star, a radiant beacon from a distant past, spoke to her of the eternal connection between all living beings. Perhaps the answer did not lie in unraveling the mysteries of the afterlife, but in cherishing the intricacies of life itself.
She realized that the desire to leave a lasting legacy need not be rooted in the fear of being forgotten. It was a celebration of one’s existence, a testament to the emotions and experiences that made life meaningful. And as for the relentless march towards death, it was not a reason to shrink from life, but a reminder to relish each fleeting moment.
In her contemplation, Sura couldn’t escape the haunting thought that life, in many ways, felt like an intricately woven trap. The knowledge that she must inevitably exit this world left her with a chilling question that seemed to reverberate within her very being: How? Would her departure be a peaceful crossing into the next realm, or would it be fraught with horrors? Would she slip away quietly and alone, or would she find herself entangled in the chaos of accidents or natural disasters? Would she become a victim of a crime or a medical mistake, or succumb to some unforeseen incident? The possibilities swirled like a whirlwind in her mind, each scenario more unsettling than the last. Would it be a death by burning, suffocation, or drowning? A sudden heart attack, an illness resembling the relentless grip of a pandemic, or a victim of yet-to-come viruses? These were the causes of death that seemed to mock her, for according to her deep-rooted faith, one’s life span was divinely determined, and one could only depart when their appointed time arrived. Yet, that destined moment remained shrouded in the guise of these often horrifying ends, a paradox that continued to test the boundaries of her faith and understanding.
Sura was well aware of the profound faith that ran deep in her community, and she had often heard remarkable stories of individuals who, as their time drew near, received unmistakable signs from the divine. It was a belief that had been passed down through generations, a comforting assurance that life’s ultimate transition was guided by a higher purpose. In her community, it was widely held that individuals were granted notice of their impending death approximately 40 days before its arrival, and these signs manifested in the form of vivid dreams and revelations.
As the approach of those 40 days neared, the veil between the realms seemed to thin, allowing glimpses of the beyond. Those who were soon to depart would recount seeing their departed loved ones in their dreams, their presence vivid and reassuring. In some cases, the visitations from the deceased transcended the dream world, manifesting as if they were right there in reality. It was as though the boundaries between this life and the next had become permeable.
Sura had heard tales of individuals who even claimed to have seen the ethereal figures of angels of death or felt their benevolent presence nearby. These experiences were not tinged with fear or foreboding but rather a profound sense of serenity and acceptance. It was as if, in those final days, a deep connection with the divine was rekindled, providing solace and assurance that their journey would be guided with divine grace.
With these stories resonating in her heart, Sura found herself placing her trust in her God. She believed that if her time approached, as foretold by the community’s cherished traditions, it would be a peaceful transition, and no harm would befall anyone in the process. It was a faith that carried her through the contemplation of life’s enigmatic nature and the uncertainties of death’s arrival. She hoped that, like those who had gone before her, her final moments would be marked by a profound sense of serenity, and that her departure would be guided by the divine hand she had always trusted.