Unknown Civilization of Prehistoric India by Subhashis Das


The book Unknown Civilization of Prehistoric India is kind of a sequel to Subhashis Das’ previous book Sacred Stones in India Civilization. It deals with the unknown civilization of India, i.e. of the proto-austroloid Kolarian tribes, and their archaeological relics, the megaliths. The book delves into the realm of the myth that all megaliths are burials and finds out that it isn’t necessarily so. The ancient megalithic tribes apart for funerary reasons built their megaliths for various purposes among which a few were for astronomical observations and calendrical uses. The book reveals the knowledge of astronomy and mathematics prevalent in the prehistoric era of India among a section of its megalithic denizens. The book substantiates this claim by describing the surface architecture of a few astronomical megaliths across the country as that of Chano, Punkri Burwadih and Nilurallu by demonstrating how mathematics and astronomy were used in their construction. The book also deals with the now defunct fertility cult once practiced by these tribes in the yesteryears. It thereafter pursues their folklores in search of their original homeland and finds it to be ancient Sumeria/ Chaldea as believed by the Santali scholars and Gurus. The book discovers parallels between the names of people, towns and rivers of present day austric adivasis and the ones mentioned in the Old Testament and discovers that the Horites of Bible and the tribal Hors of India are of the same lot. The book also finds a lot many austric Mundari words still in use in many European languages. The stunning similarities among the architectures of megaliths of Britain, Europe and India may startle the readers but the book discloses that such a phenomenon could only be the fall out of a contact between the far flung lands during hoary times. The book also has description of a quite many megalithic sites in the country. Until or unless megaliths are accepted as true relics of India’s ancient history, their makers; the tribals and their folk tales accepted as oral history the real ancient history of India can never surface. The book Unknown Civilization of Prehistoric India does just that. The book also includes a single complimentary chapter by the eminent author and ex- archaeologist Terrence Meaden of the Oxford University.

The book is priced at Rs 1500 and it will soon be available in many prominent book stores of the country and on the web.

The book can also be obtained from the publisher:

Kaveri Books

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