Customer Perception and Problems towards Ola Services in Smart Cities with Reference to Salem


J. Senthil Velmurugan1, R. Shruthi2, S. V. Rajkamal3

Associate Professor1, Periyar Institute of Management Studies (PRIMS), Periyar University, Salem. Email:

Ph.D Research Scholar2, Periyar Institute of Management Studies (PRIMS), Periyar University, Salem

Ph.D Research Scholar3, Periyar Institute of Management Studies (PRIMS), Periyar University, Salem.

Volume 11, Number 3, October-December, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n3.10


Smart cities put data and digital technology to work with the goal of improving the quality of life. This study shows the global interference of technology advancement in cab hailing services in smart cities which enables customers to hail taxis through their smart phones, become popular worldwide. To provide a systematic account of the impact of e-hailing applications’ wide adoption on the taxi system, this study is made to analyze the customers perception and upcoming improvements about Ola services. This study focuses on customers and the sample of 120 respondents is been collected and analyses is made for the future scope to retain the effective services of OLA.

Keywords: Perceptions, Ola strategies, Smart cities, Enhancement techniques.