In the Castle of My Disease: an In-depth Study of Lorde Audre’s The Cancer Journals


Rakhi Gupta1 & Richa Arora2

1Research Scholar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Manipal University Jaipur.

2Professor & Head, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Manipal University Jaipur. Email:

Volume 11, Number 3, October-December, 2019 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v11n3.17


 The present study is an attempt to explore a mysterious voice: a voice which has been covered by multiple layers of darkness with excruciating pain, (the voice) which is fighting not for freedom but at least for a hope to live a common life again.  Lord Audre, an African-American feminist writer and civil right activist, described her journey of breast cancer from the stage of ‘diagnosed to recovery’ and made her internal struggle visible to the reader by using the genre of interior monologue (William James) and ‘Confessionalism’ (Robert Lowell’s Life Studies) which help to reveal her thought process or internal experiences clearly about her struggle throughout her journey.  Therefore, this paper aims to tell the story of a determinate black African-American woman who is suffering not only from identity crisis or trapped in the world of homophobia but also struggled from cancer and is ready to reveal her personal account that is packed with heart-wrenching pain, grief, anguish, strength, perseverance, and the importance of maintaining self-identity even in the face of grave adversity.

Keywords:  Confessional Writing, Enlightenment, Stream of Consciousness, Memory, Phobic Disorder