Research Engagement of Foreign Language Teachers among Select Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia


Sanil S Hishan1, Suresh Ramakrishnan1,Nur Naha binti Abu Mansor1

1Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia. Corresponding Author:

 Volume 12, Number 1, January-March, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n1.42


This paper aims to add to established awareness on the extent of research capacity, theoretical ideas, and views on the challenges to their study involvement in Malaysia’s select universities.  It used a hybrid system of concise quantitative and qualitative projects for 62 foreign language students. Data gathering methodologies such as questionnaires, individual and group interviews were used.  Results from the quantitative portion of the paper showed that international teachers displayed a modest degree of research ability while they hold optimistic views on the principles of study as a method to offer answers to educational challenges transcending teacher subject awareness, pedagogical and instructional abilities, and optimistic student learning outcomes. Similarly, qualitative findings found that the barriers to international teachers ‘ participation in research are embodied in lack of time to do work and lack of study writing skills. Moreover, networking incentive and career growth are driving factors for international teachers in Malaysia. The research poses implications on instructional management among curriculum designers, scholars, and school administrators among universities in Malaysia to improve academic culture and professional development opportunities among international teachers in terms of research capability and participation.

Keywords – Research Capabilities, Foreign Teachers, Knowledge generation, Research, Educational Management, Research Productivity