Syed Mujtaba Ali’s Deshe Bideshe: an Indian’s perspective on Afghanistan


Abhijit Ghosh

Assistant Professor of English, Balagarh B. K. Mahavidyalaya, Hooghly, West Bengal. Email:

 Volume 12, Number 3, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n3.23


Syed Mujtaba Ali’s Deshe Bideshe, first published in 1948, is a travel account of enduring popularity based on his experiences in Afghanistan during the years 1927 to 1929. In this reading I wish to concentrate on the distinctive quality that sets it apart from the typical travel writing of the age produced by the colonial encounter. Mujtaba Ali’s experience of colonialism in India combined with his profound sense of history makes him uniquely capable of providing a glimpse of Afghanistan during a period of social and cultural transformation. His portrayal of the Afghan identity in confrontation with external colonial forces and internal upheaval is not only invigorating but also challenging because it is not directed at demystification or categorization as in colonial texts aiming to comprehend the oriental. His colonised self-consciousness finds in the independent Afghan a cause to celebrate and thus allows us to explore his work as a postcolonial text. According to Justine D. Edwards and Rune Graulund, postcolonial travel writing “subverts both colonial claims to truth making, as well as the nexus between travel and domination” (Postcolonial Travel Writing: Critical Explorations, 3). Therefore, while a typical European travelogue like Robert Byron’s The Road to Oxiana (1937), written a few years after Ali’s visit provides an unabashed view of Afghanistan as a historical artefact requiring British protection, a colonised Indian’s account of Afghanistan hits out at the “nexus between travel and domination” and seeks to initiate a south-south dialogue inspired by the hope of regional collaboration.

Keywords: travel narrative, Afghanistan, colonialism, postcolonial text, Robert Byron