Transformation of Catuspatha in Bali Indonesia: Alteration Ideas from Empty Space to Aesthetic Element of City


Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra1*, Frysa Wiriantari2, Desak Made Sukma Widiyani3, Anak Agung Ayu Sri Ratih Yulianasari4

1Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. ORCID id: 0000-0003-0070-4254. E-mail:

2 3 4Faculty of Engineering, Dwijendra University, Bali, Indonesia

 Volume 12, Number 6, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n6.15


Catuspatha in Bali is interpreted not merely as a junction or crossroad but a crossroads that have their own sacred values ??and meanings and are equated with the great crossroads. At the time of the kingdom in Bali catuspatha was the center of the royal capital and meant the center of the country. Meanwhile, since the Dutch occupation in Bali, there has been a tendency to place aesthetic elements as the focal points or landmarks of a city at the center of a catuspatha and this trend was continued by the republican government during independence. The purpose of this study is to uncover the concept of catuspatha, the transformation of concepts, changes in the expression of catuspatha from the kingdom to independence and the impact of the changes. To achieve this goal, an observation was carried out on nine catuspathas of royal heritage in the Bali region with document research and reconstruction through interviews with priests of Shiva, Buddhism, Bachelors, and other elements as well as textual observations in the form of literature, research results, and ancient chronicles. The results obtained from this study indicate a change in the idea where the view of the center of the catuspatha as an empty space turned into an aesthetic element of the city that acts as a traffic sign and also as a city orientation. In the political context, there is an impact on the integrity of traditional values ??in the catuspatha where the symbols of royal power were expressed in the castle’s structure. The central facilities of the kingdom, are transformed into a mayor’s office with subordinate units. In the context of transportation technology, traffic lights are also expressed to regulate the flow of traffic on the catuspatha.

Keywords: catuspatha, transform, space, city, element