Problems of Intertextuality in Audio-Visual Arts


Halyna M. Kot1, Olena G. Levchenko1, Tetiana O. Kravchenko2, Oksana S. Musiienko3 & Kostiantyn V. Hrubych1

1Department of Tele-Journalism and Actor’s Skill, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine

2Department of Scenic Speech, Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Kyiv, Ukraine

3Department of Cinematography, Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Kyiv, Ukraine


 Volume 13, Number 1, 2021 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n1.03
Problems of Intertextuality in Audio-Visual Arts


At the present stage, the visualisation process covers all areas of life that come into contact with information and its presentation. Specialists and researchers in the relevant fields of activity are increasingly using the concepts that have been formed on the basis of printed text in the audio-visual arts. Such an example is the use of intertextuality, which is currently one of the promising areas for research on the example of audio and visual material (film, video, music, photography). The aim of the study was to identify the main current problems of the use of intertextuality in the audio-visual arts on the example of the two most common forms – film and music. The main methods used in this work are intertextual analysis, as well as discourse analysis, because for this method the area of interest is the study of discourse changes associated with intertextuality. As a result of the analysis, it was found that one of the problems of intertextuality is the uncertainty and lack of unity in its understanding between the followers of different approaches to the doctrine of intertext; several problems were identified. The authors propose solutions to the identified problems of the theory of intertextuality in the audio-visual arts, which confirms the practical significance of the study.

Keywords: text borrowing, film, music, culture studies, intertextual interactions.