Gender Discrimination in the Media of Eastern Europe: A Historical and Comparative Aspect


Olga Khamedova1, Oksana Zhuravska2, Olena Rosinska3 & Vitaliy Gandziuk4

1Assoc. Prof., Dep. of Journalism Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine,,

2Assoc. Prof., Dep. of Journalism Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine,,

3Assoc. Prof., Dep. of Journalism Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine,,

4Assoc. Prof., Dep. of Journalism Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine,,

 Volume 13, Number 1, 2021 I Full Text PDF
DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n1.19

Gender Discrimination in the Media of Eastern Europe: A Historical and Comparative Aspect


The research analyzes a topical issue of gender balance in media in its historical cutoff. The authors consider imbalance regarding the gender of the key figures in publications as one of indicators of latent discrimination. The subject of the content-analysis is Globus, an illustrated magazine published in Kyiv in 1923-1935. This progressive periodical paid significant attention to the issue of female emancipation; that is why its research is also demonstrative for studying the diachrony of a gender stereotypization phenomenon. The purpose of the content analysis was to determine the qualitative indicators with respect to distribution between verbal and visual women’s and men’s images in this magazine as a material indicator of worldview stereotypization. As the research results show, Globus had extremely low rate concerning the women’s representation in text materials (15%) and illustrations (18%). Correspondingly, the ratio of women’s and men’s images in total amounts to 1:5. Moreover, a tendency to gender asymmetry in 1930’s only increased, since the quantity of men’s representations in the magazine of 1932 reached almost 90% and women’s ones decreased respectively. Thus, the comparison of women’s and men’s images already amounted to 1:7, i.d. gender disproportion grew up. The data received have been compared with the monitoring results of current media content related to the compliance with gender balance; that allowed specification and analysis of main tendencies in representation of women and men in the media discourse in the beginning of XX and XXI centuries.

Keywords: media representations, content analysis, gender balance, gender discrimination.