A Kaleidoscopic Gaze of India through Julio Barrenechea’s oeuvre


Mala Shikha1 & Ranjeeva Ranjan2*

1Assistant Professor, Doon University, Dehradun, India. maladoon@gmail.com

2*Assistant Professor, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile. ranjan@ucm.cl

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.61 


Latin American intellectuals have included India in their imagination since the advent of Modernism, a turn-of-the-century movement in the early 20th century. Nevertheless, the idea of India in Latin American imagination has been primarily mediated through a rather fixed European lens. Within the body of Latin American scholarly encounters, the works of Julio Barrenechea are worth mentioning. They have not been critically examined extensively in academia. The present study is an attempt to reflect upon the works of the author that resulted from his experiences during his sojourn as the Ambassador of Chile in India. He wrote Sol de la India, which was published in 1969 in New Delhi, during his stay in India. Another work titled La India no misteriosa based on his Indian experience was published posthumously in 1982 in Santiago. The first work is a collection of poems while the latter is in prose. Barrenechea has described with grace and sympathy the spiritual greatness of India but at the same time, he engaged critically with the distressing social and economic realities of the nation. In the present study, the researchers analyze the theme of his works encompassing India, which as such incorporate an essentially “Chilean gaze”.

Keywords: Barrenechea, Chilean gaze, Sol de la India, La India no misteriosa, Kaleidoscope, European lens