A Study of the Mediating Effect of Work Stress on Work-life Conflict and Turnover Intention in the Private Higher Education Sector in India


Soni Rathi1 & Praveen Kumar2
1Research Scholar, University School of Business, Chandigarh University.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2997-8622. Email: sonirathi.r20@gmail.com
2Assistant Professor, University School of Business, Chandigarh University.
ORCID: 0000-0002-7503-3531. Email: Praveen.usb@cumail.in. Corresponding Author

[Received June 28 2023, modified 28 July 2023, accepted 28 July 2023, first published 29 July 2023]

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2023. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v15n2.24
Full-Text PDF Issue Access

The main focus of this study is to analyze the impact of work-life conflict on turnover intention and examine the impact of work stress as a mediating variable among the teaching employees of private higher education institutions. The current study drew upon samples of 145 teaching employees of private higher education institutions in the education sector of Haryana. A questionnaire was administered to gather the necessary information. Data was evaluated by using the Smart PLS (v.3.2.9) software. In addition, structural equation modeling was conducted to achieve the study’s objectives, and SPSS 25 software was used to compute the demographic profile of teaching employees. The findings indicated that the turnover intention of teaching employees is positively associated with work-life conflict and work stress. In addition, work stress as an intervening variable positively and significantly impacts kinship amid work-life conflict and turnover intention. The teaching employees like to stay in their institutions if there is no work stress. The main concern is not only reducing the work stress of teaching employees but also reforming the quality and level (of work), so they can have less work-life conflict, thus reducing turnover intentions. To dwindle job-related stressors and work-life conflict among employees, various family-friendly benefits and job stress management policies may provide the benefits. This study enhances the understanding of work-life conflicts and work stress. Further, it also has taken into account some antecedents of work-life conflict and work stress, which will aid researchers and academicians in comprehending their impact on turnover intention. The current study has discussed limitations and future directions.

Keywords: Work-life conflict, Work stress, Turnover intention, Teaching employees, Private higher education institutions

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