Effects of Dynamic Assessment of Grammatical Structures on Learners’ Speaking Accuracy: The Case of Hawassa University, Ethiopia


Abayneh Feleke  Managdew 1  & Taye Regassa Seda 2
1,2Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, College of Humanities, Language Studies, Journalism and Communication, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 3, 2023. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v15n3.06
[Article History: Received: 30 January 2023. Revised: 18 August 2023. Accepted: 19 August 2023. Published: 20 August 2023.]
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One of the central problems second language (L2) students face during speaking is the frequent use of ungrammatical structures. Scholars suggest Dynamic assessment (DA), which integrates language instruction and assessment in L2 classrooms, is very helpful in enhancing learners’ speaking accuracy. However, the DA as an L2 instruction/assessment approach and the Weighted Clause Ratio [WCR] as a method of analyzing speaking accuracy has never been addressed in Ethiopia before. Therefore, this research examined the extent of the effects of DA on English language structures during dialogues on learners’ speaking accuracy during monologues. To do so, an experimental study was conducted on 48 second-year English language students of Hawassa University, Ethiopia. The participants took static pretests prepared based on the IELTS Speaking Exam Syllabus. Subsequently, each student’s monologue was transcribed and the grammar accuracy was scored using a Weighted Clause Ratio (WCR). Then, the students (n=48) were assigned to the experimental and control groups based on systematic random sampling, and the equivalence of these two groups was checked.   Finally, the treatment group received DA of speaking skills, whereas the control group got a Non-dynamic assessment (NDA) of speaking skills for 12 weeks. The result showed that DA had a statistically significant effect on students’ oral accuracy. The finding implies that applying DA in ELT classrooms helps to sp facilitate learners’ L2 acquisition.

Keywords: dynamic assessment, non-dynamic assessment, grammatical structures, speaking accuracy, Weighted Clause Ratio (WCR), second language.
[Sustainable Development Goals: Quality Education]
CitationManagdew, Abayneh Feleke & Taye Regassa Seda. 2023. Effects of Dynamic Assessment of Grammatical Structures on Learners’ Speaking Accuracy: The Case of Hawassa University, Ethiopia. Rupkatha Journal 15:3. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v15n3.06