Essencelessness, Lack of Self and the Abject Human Condition: Rethinking Jibanananda Das’s “Bodh”


Biswarup Das
Department of English, Jamaldaha TDH School, Coochbehar, West Bengal, India.
Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 3, 2023.
[Article History: Received: 11 July 2023. Revised: 24 August 2023. Accepted: 25 August 2023. Published: 26 August 2023]
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The present article strives to explore the “nausea” that emerges in an individual from the sense of the lack of a priori meaning in the world and the non-existence of the self through the development of the persona’s thoughts in Jibanananda Das’s 1930 poem “Bodh.” The persona is found perturbed by a flummoxing “sense” right at the outset. His striving to comprehend what the sense is about and reflection on the enterprises of his past and the probable future eventually lead him to realize that whatever he encounters around or action he can get involved in is devoid of essence. He also finds the existence of his self unsubstantiated. His realization proves anguishing and alienates him from the rest of humanity by evoking in him feelings of forlornness and life’s absurdity. The whole argument concerning the persona’s development of thought and his final apprehension and agony will be carried out by taking into account Jean-Paul Sartre’s ideas of essencelessness and nausea.

Keywords: Essencelessness, existence, meaning, nausea, self, sense, world.
Citation: Das, Biswarup. 2023. Essencelessness, Lack of Self and the Abject Human Condition: Rethinking Jibanananda Das’s “Bodh”. Rupkatha Journal 15:3.