The Self-made Victim in the Crosshairs of East-West Confrontation: Ravi’s Odyssey in O V Vijayan’s The Legends of Khasak


Jerome Vadackel       
Guest Lecturer, St Berchmans College, Changanassery  & PhD Researcher, Christ University, Bengaluru.

Rupkatha Journal, Special Issue on Poetics of Self-construal in Postcolonial Literature, 2023.
[Article History: Received: 08 November 2023. Revised: 29 December 2023. Accepted: 30 December 2023. Published: 31 December 2023]
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A pathbreaking novel in Malayalam literature, Khasakkinte Ithihasam (Legend of Khasak), was written by O V Vijayan and published in 1969. It is a novel that weaves together the existential journey of the protagonist, Ravi, with the religion, characters and culture of the fictional village Khasak. The paper is written to place in relief Ravi’s inability to complete his education and analyse it in the background of the contrast Vijayan brings between Eastern and Western modes of thinking. The subsequent struggles he encounters in the single-teacher school in Khasak are read as being born of a more acute subliminal struggle. Drawing useful parallels for comparison from Jacques Derrida’s essay “The Gift of Death,” Ravi’s character, particularly his indifference towards Western education and death drive, is studied, which interestingly provides insights also into his problematic sexual life which lies at the centre of his journey to Khasak.

Keywords: Deconstruction, Politics of Education, Coloniality, Sexual Politics, Translation.

Sustainable Development Goals: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Gender Equality
Citation: Vadackel, J. (2023). The Self-made Victim in the Crosshairs of East-West Confrontation: Ravi’s Odyssey in O V Vijayan’s The Legends of Khasak. Rupkatha Journal 15:5.