Editorial: Volume IX, Number 3, 2017


Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay Ph.D
Associate Professor, Digital Arte y Empresa, Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, Mexico.

Volume IX, Number 3, 2017 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v9n3.01

The collection of articles for this issue generally helps in the development of new insights for objects as they are perceived by media culture, and the new literacies. One important part of this critical process is to reflect on the interface with technology but still maintain a kind of humanistic respect for emerging communications and trans-valuations. New statics of interpretation is necessary in a radically changing scenario of effects. The qualitative approach gains ground in such scenarios. Perhaps descriptive variations may be syncretically harmonized to this change in social transactions. Analytics of this socially mediated perception of culture, art and expressive formats should help us understand finite, but proven aspects of our global culture all conditioned by, and conditioning, the economy, and its availability of resources and fruits. How would social media statistics apply to collective decisions? Does interpretation have a destined locus of values, or is it being mediated beyond control or comprehension?

Again, one particular word that seems to grip attention in the media discourse today is ‘establishment’ – a very old word indicative of situatedness and the inability to move, or the quality of being stationary. There is a distrust of the establishment since the growth of socialism -today ‘establishment’ is perceived in a radically different way by many citizens in a high-fidelity free capitalist country like the USA. People still retain their distrust and anger at the establishment but the semantic game players may have changed position. Acknowledgedly, the ‘establishment’ is perceived not as a stationary object but as a process or evolution of the status of individuals in an economic turn – as one section tends to reap the harvests of trade, business and employment opportunities, and thus get richer – and acquire benefits of the system whereas another section goes down, being unable to survive on the unlevelled playing ground. There is a growing disparity -as members of the establishment have been better off, and have been continuing to grow their possessions while others remain a victim of that process.

The necessity of finding an answer to the question of disparity, and poverty between nations, and within nations, have engaged human thought to a point of futility. There is no easy answer to the realities of social existence, with several variables determining the way things are adjudged. Or perhaps there is.