CFP on Special Issue on “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education in the 21st Century”


Call for Papers: Vol. 8, No. 2, 2016 on
“Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education in the 21st Century”

In collaboration with

School of Education

Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab (India)

To be guestedited by
Dr. Mihir Kumar Mallick
Professor & Head,
School of Education
Lovely Professional University

The Theme
The Rupkatha Journal ( is cordially inviting papers for a Special Issue on “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education in the 21st Century”. In our postglobal and postdigital  world, all aspects teaching, learning, research and publication have underwent unprecendented changes in the past few decades and will continue to face bigger challenges and cope up with the intervention of economy and technology in future. As a dynamic process, our education systems will adapt to and cope up with the situations surely. But the scope and challenges of the present demand our immediate critical academic attention. In this issue we want to engage critically with the emerging trends in education in the new century to assess the past, understand the present and anticipate the future. We invite articles and book reviews on wide-ranging topics relating to the theme.

  • Innovations and Research in Teacher Education
  • Pedagogy for promoting Analysis and Critical Thinking
  • Policy initiatives in Teacher Education
  • Educational Planning and Economic Development
  • Teacher Accreditation and Certification
  • Strengthening morality and tolerance through Education
  • Bridging digital divides
  • Innovative Assessment Approaches
  • New Educational Technology
  • Questioning the Streams (Arts, Commerce, Science) and Disciplines
  • Disciplines at Interdisciplinary Cross-roads
  • The Future of the Subjects (you teach)
  • Coloniality, Postcoloniality and the Disciplines
  • The Issue of the Medium of Instruction
  • Religion and Politics in Higher Education
  • State of Research in various subjects
  • Research methodologies
  • The issues of “Publish or Perish” & “Publish or Not to Publish”, Open Access Movements, Quality markers with metrics, ethics of publishing
  • The Issues with Ranking and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions
  • Capital Investment in Higher Education
  • Codes of Conduct in higher education
  • Management in Higher Education
  • Any topic you think appropriate (please contact the editor)

Word Limit: Papers should be between 3000-5000 words
Style Sheet: APA
Submission Deadline: February 20
Tentative Publication: March 15, 2016
Contact: Please send your submission to Prof. Mihir Mallick at and to the publisher at
See Submission Guidelines:
