Relating Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Commitment through Moderated Mediation of Psychological Well-being and Work-life Balance: A Study on Teachers of NGOs


Tisha Singh
University of Jammu, India

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.04


This study was conducted with an objective to explore the direct and indirect effect of emotional intelligence on organisational commitment through psychological well-being. Further, moderating role of work life balance on psychological well-being and organisational commitment was also explored. Data were collected from 209 teachers working in Special schools and NGOs of Delhi, working for differently-abled children, on the bases of convenient sampling. Statistical techniques like confirmatory factor analyses, structure equation model (SEM) and hierarchical regression were employed to analyze the data. Further, reliability and validity tests were also performed. The study finds that emotional intelligence leads to organisational commitment through the partial mediation of psychological well-being. It is also verified that work-life balance moderates the association between psychological well-being and organisational commitment. This study is limited to non-profit making sector of Delhi region only. This study will be helpful for managers in recognising the increasing importance of emotional intelligence, psychological well being and work-life balance that encourages organisational commitment which further enhances the performance of the organisation and may bring innovativeness in working.

 Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Well Being, Organisational Commitment and Work Life Balance.