Emotional Intelligence and Its Association with Social Physique Anxiety and Performance among Sprinters


Devdeep Chakarvarti
Academic Heights Public School, Haridwar , Uttarakhand , India

Manohar Lal
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.08


The present study was conducted to determine the relationship of emotional intelligence with social physique anxiety and performance of sprinters. It compared the emotional intelligence and social physique anxiety between high performance and low performance sprinters. The study was conducted with of 23 sprinters, including the high performers (N1=8) and low performers (N2=15) belonging to All India Inter-University. To determine the relationship of emotional intelligence with social physique anxiety and performance, the product moment method of correlation was used, and to test the difference of significance between two groups independent ‘t’ test was used. Results revealed that, all the components of emotional intelligence have negative insignificant relationship with social physique anxiety and competition performance among sprinters. Findings further showed that high performance sprinters were insignificantly more emotional intelligent with less social physique anxiety than low performance sprinters.

Key Words: Emotional intelligence, social physique anxiety, performance and sprinters.